The Secret Recipe
The Secret Recipe describes the 3 critical parts of your business where money is MADE or LOST…

how to widen the gap between your sales price and your costs so there's more money in the middle for you
how to make sure your marketing is saying the right type of things… to the right people… so that people are buying from you rather than your competitors.
how to get clear on what to measure in your business so your business is easier to run and more profitable.
Download Your FREE Copy to find out what's missing in your Business!

Cheat Sheets...
Each Cheat Sheet spells out on a single page how to Optimise Your Income…
You’ll see the Biggest Challenges and Best Opportunities for each business type… Select the closest industry that matches your business type?
Download Your FREE Copy to find out what's missing in your Business!
The Blog Builder
How to build a great Marketing Piece...
The big idea is to avoid writing something that sounds like everyone else in your industry and misses the point of why people should actually buy from you rather than anyone else…

2 key decisions before you start:
Choose your Target...
Who are your BEST customers, your ‘A’ Graders, the ones you want more of, who accept your recommendations, don’t haggle you on price, pay on time and refer more great customers to you… Now, target ONLY them… and not anyone else!
Choose your Message...
It’s likely your ‘A’ Graders will have similar reasons WHY they buy from you rather than anyone else. It’s their #1 ‘hot button’ and the one thing that if you stopped providing it, they’d switch who they buy from…
So here’s the key question: “Is the MAIN REASON they buy from you because of your QUALITY, your SERVICE or your PRICE?”
ONE of these is your ‘A’ Grader’s hot button… Your job is to ‘BEAT THE MARKET’ in this ONE area… whereas you only need to “MEET THE MARKET” in the other two…
Key Point: Don’t try and be ALL things to ALL people, just be the BEST thing that your BEST customers want!
OUTCOME: Now you have ONE message to deliver to ONE target… CLARITY!
Quick Fix Videos
If you hear yourself saying “I need more MONEY out of my business!”, then watch the 10 minute video on MARGINS for a quick-fix… If you’re saying “I need more TIME out of my business!”, then watch the video on PRODUCTIVITY for a quick-fix… If you’re saying “I need more LEADS for my business!”, then watch the quick-fix on MARKETING…