Premium Workshops for Business Owners...
- R E - F O C U S on what Your Business owes you...
- R E - E N E R G I Z E with other owners solving business challenges
- R E - C O M M I T to Building Your Ideal Business with Income, Freedom & Scale
Planning Session
Quarterly Planning
Boost Your Business over the next 90 days...
- Solutions for your burning issues
- Compare how others are solving it
- Complete a plan to get it fixed in 90 days

To build an ‘Ideal Business’ means getting to work on 9 Key Projects in your business where money is either made, or lost… So! In this Strategy Session...
- We’ll unpack the 9 Key Projects… so you know what each of them are
- You’ll choose the top 3… that will give you the best improvements
- You’ll walk out with a Workbook… that includes the strategies to work on
For your team
Team Workshops
When we chat to business owners about their team, this is what we hear…
- The team's a bit up and down, sometimes they’re engaged, sometimes not so much…
- There’s definitely a few issues that would be great to sort out, but everyone’s always so busy…
- It would be really great to get everyone motivated, on the same page and working together…
Many say that they know they’ve got a good team, but would really benefit from getting together to work on the business as a team. Team Talk does this making your business smoother to run and a better place to work…
So why do we do these?
Because we know it’s easier to have an outsider do this for you and you never know what opportunities will come out of this discussion.

Here's how it works...
” They ran a 90 minute workshop that got my team engaged. Everyone got a workbook with exercises that had my staff thinking and talking about my business”
“The whole workshop was facilitated and all I had to do was show up with my team!”
Profit Analysis
Business Optimiser
To help business owners answer these questions, we've purpose-built a software app to get answers...
We call it The Business Optimizer. And here’s the reaction we’ve had from business owners so far…
“The number in ‘Productivity’ showed us $29,300 available over 12 months… in 8 months we’ve already found $58,600″
“It came up with 174k which sounded a bit high… We’ve introduced several strategies that have us on track for $274k in the first year”
Those are the clean ones…. others included “holy <#*?@%&*:> really?”
You get the picture…

4 Questions that make finding out a good idea...
- How much money should I actually be making out of my business right now?
- What income is possible from my business or is this as good as it gets?
- What size does it need to be in order to make the money I want?
- What else should I be doing in my business to improve it from where it is now?
Strategy Session
Four Futures
An IDEAL Business will provide you with ALL THREE of these...
- Solid Income: so you're well paid for what you do
- Time Freedom: so you're not tied to your business
- Enough Scale: so it looks like the right size of business you had in mind

To build an ‘Ideal Business’ means getting to work on 9 Key Projects in your business where money is either made, or lost… So! In this Strategy Session...
- We’ll unpack the 9 Key Projects… so you know what each of them are
- You’ll choose the top 3… that will give you the best improvements
- You’ll walk out with a Workbook… that includes the strategies to work on